"When I was here last time, you were just putting in the stall flooring," she said with a touch of amazement. "And they were laying the tile in the breakroom. The arena wasn't there. There were only two pastures fenced. Wow."
Sometimes we get so caught up in what we haven't done, in all the things we want to do, in all the things we don't have time to do, that we forget the progress we have made in our lives.
I usually look at the ranch and see everything I haven't finished yet, everything I want and need to do. Today I was able to look around and feel proud of what has been accomplished in just a short year.
A year ago I didn't have a barn full of horses looking out of their stalls in anticipation when they hear the crinkle of a peppermint wrapper. I didn't have the company of my family of boarders to sit around with in the breakroom, talking and laughing. I didn't have a fantastic trainer. I didn't have my amazing barn manager. Actually, I didn't even have a barn!
When I take a moment to step back, take a breath, and really look at what has happened over the course of a year, since Beth stopped by for a visit the last time, I realize that Forever Sky Ranch has slowly turned from dream to reality. I have found friends and created a family. I have given my horses the home I always wanted them to have.
So I will just say THANK YOU to everyone who has helped Forever Sky become what it is, and to those of you who continue to help the ranch grow into the full dream of what it can be. You know who you are. I love every one of you. And thank you, Beth, for showing me that I do have something to be proud of, even if it's not to my level of perfection just yet. I can't wait for you to see what the ranch looks like next year!
It looks perfect to me! Thanks for showing me that dreams can come true!