so to speak.

While she and Annie meandered around the property, Alexis began to think about the summer horse camp that she has been planning.
***We interrupt this blog to insert a plug for the FSR horse camp***
June 7th-11th, ages 6-16, 8:00am to 4:00pm, $250 for the week
***Now back to regularly scheduled blogging***
Alexis used to attend horse camps as a kid, and one of the best things she remembers is going swimming on horseback.
"It is just such a cool feeling," says Alexis. "when the horse takes off and you know that you are both suspended in the water. There is no other feeling on a horse like that."
We have a small pond on the ranch, which Alexis explored a little bit with Tucker when they first moved to Forever Sky, but "it was cold," says Alexis, "and we only went in about belly deep."
Today Alexis decided she wanted to see exactly how deep the pond was. She walked Annie to the edge of the water, but Annie was having no part of going into that pond--that is, at least, not at first. She and Alexis danced along the edge for a while, until Annie finally leaned down in a cautious, guarded manner, and sniffed the water.
What happened next really should have been caught on camera (Where ARE those elusive cameramen when you need them?!) Annie, who had been more than hesitant about getting anywhere near the water, suddenly took a giant LEAP right into the pond.
What Annie didn't know--what ALEXIS didn't know--was that about 3 feet from the edge, the water gets deep. They went in ALL THE WAY. As Annie was clamoring to get a foot on something solid, she flung her head up and SMACKED Alexis right in the face.
I can feel her pain. I was there not long ago, bent over at the waist, holding my nose after Naysa had flung her head up and nailed me hard. The difference is that while I was stumbling about in the barn, seeing stars, wondering if my nose was broken, Alexis was still on horseback, suspended in the water, reaching her hand up to her face to make sure she still had all her teeth. She had no doubt her nose was broken.
Amazingly, the pair emerged from the water intact. Alexis was still in the saddle, minus the stirrups, yet holding onto the reins. They were both soaking wet and not a little stunned.
Alexis was still holding her nose when they began to walk back to the barn, but she maintained her sense of humor.
"I guess that's what I get for making the poor girl jump into water on the cross country course!
Thankfully, Alexis did not come away with a broken nose, though she did feel a bit sick.
"Are you sure you don't need to go to the ER," I asked her.
"I'm fine," said Alexis.
And you know what? She IS fine. She's a fine horsewoman, a fine lady, and a fine friend with one fine sense of humor. And even though she didn't have to show it today, I bet she's also one fine swimmer.
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