When we accomplished the task, with Adonis actually more relaxed than when we started, I was flying high on pony love.
I got back to the ranch and practiced a few more times getting Adonis in and out, as Mirka suggested. Then I cleaned up my lovely Arabian boy and put him back in his stall with fresh hay.
That's when I looked at my watch.
But I wasn't ready to give it up.
I went to Naysa's stall and kissed her nose. She and I had experienced a fantastic session together the day before. I had taken her out to an empty pasture, removed her halter, and began to work with her at liberty. She responded so wonderfully to my leading her that I was surprised.
So as I stood there loving on her, I thought, "Let's go for a ride."
"I think I'm just going to hop on bareback," I told Leslie.
I hadn't planned to ride for an extended period. I only wanted to hop on, take a stroll around the barn, and just "be" with her. I hadn't ridden her in quite some time because she had developed a breathing problem during the heat of the summer, but now that she seemed to have recovered, I wanted to start working with her again.

"You saddled her after all!" said Leslie as I walked Naysa over to retrieve my helmet.
"She was good girl, too!" I replied.
Naysa didn't even shift her weight when I put on her saddle, and she didn't even blink when I tightened the girth. She practically put the bridle on by herself.
When I walked her to the mounting block, she stood perfectly still and square. I put weight in the stirrup to make sure she was okay. She had cocked her back leg, so I wasn't all that worried.
"You still there, Leslie?" I called. Leslie stepped out of the barn with Christine at her side. "Just wanted to make sure you were close by," I said. "so you can call 911 if she bucks me off."
I was TEASING. (Note to self: Don't ever say that again.)

I knew when I hit that it was bad. I couldn't breathe. I struggled to get up, but I couldn't. Leslie was at my side in an instant. So was Naysa.
"The way she was standing there," Leslie said later when we were in the ER, "it looked like she was saying NEXT!" Her words were tinged with laughter. "Naysa was fine after she got you off her back."
"She must hurt somewhere," I replied. "I must have hurt her."
After I hit the ground, I tried to stand up, but I couldn't put weight on my left wrist. My wrist didn't concern me, though. My lower abdomen was hurting and felt increasingly warm. When I attempted to stand, everything would start to go black and I would sink back to the ground. I began to worry that the impact had caused internal bleeding.
I asked Leslie to drive me to the ER, and I called my mom to pick up the kids. Allen was still teaching class.
Leslie took wonderful care of me. She even fed me a Krispy Kreme donut on our way to the hospital. Now THAT'S a good friend!
When I entered Triage, my blood pressure was 80/50. I told the nurse about my abdominal pain, but she didn't seem concerned with my case--or with anything for that matter. A robot would have paid more attention to me. She sent me to "Fast Track." When the fast track nurse evaluated me, he rolled me straight down to the main ER after rolling his eyes in disgust that I had been mis-placed.
Apparently any fall from a horse is considered a trauma alert.
So they did all the X-rays and CT-scans. The nurse scared both me and Leslie by suggesting that I had probably fractured my pelvis.
Thankfully, only my left wrist was broken. They set it in a temporary cast, to be replaced by a "real" cast next week after the swelling is under control.
The rest of me just hurts. Bad.
"Don't you remember what I told you?" said Alexis. "Don't fall off next time!"
Alexis has requested I get a tie-dyed cast. (I didn't realize there was such a thing.) Regardless what color I choose for the cast, I'll definitely have people sign it! I mean, there have to be some perks since I'm going to be one-handed for a while!
It's funny, I have had several people tell me "I'm sorry she hurt you."
I find that a ridiculous notion. Horses don't set out to hurt us. We hurt ourselves. We are responsible. We get hurt because we don't listen to our equine companions, because we don't build the bond on the ground before we get in the saddle, and simply because we don't pay attention to our environment and what we are doing.
It was my fault that Naysa bucked me off, not hers. She needed more from me, more preparation and more consideration, in order to accept me on her back once again. I didn't give her what she needed. And it's certainly possible that she has back pain. I owe it to her, to us, to get her back checked out.
What's NICE to know is that horses have an amazing capacity to forgive. If any horse has taught us that, it's Naysa. When I feed her treats tomorrow and scratch her ears, I'll tell her I'm sorry, and she'll understand, because while she might not comprehend the words, she will no doubt sense the emotion.
Sorry you fell and hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteWe have trained six Arabians in the last few years. (They are a fantastic smart breed, our favorites)
My horse Zahra and I were on a 40 mile competitive trail ride recently and I didn't see a hanging vine and it caught me by the throat. Scratched me up, but my Zahra stopped immediately and as I fell to one side she slipped that way too and saved me from falling. She also helped my grandaughter once. I have one student that comes once a week that has mild autism. He only rides her.
I am telling you this because my husband read this and is afraid you might not ride again and we want to offer you some natural training that may help. Call if interested Jack Glenny 380-3000 or Crystal 426-1000
Oh goodness, no. I will always ride. I'll probably be back on before my cast is off. Thank you so much for thinking about me. I'm working with Mirka, and with her guidance I believe my relationship with Naysa will improve even more than it already has.